drilling equipments
Onshore land drilling rigs

Onshore Drilling Rigs
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transportable by air

Desert Wheeled

Rough Terrain

Onshore drilling and workover operations
Onshore drilling operations are similar to those of offshore operations. We provide complete package for uninterrupted drilling and workover operations.
Complete Rig Products

Like New Value Rigs, cost effective rigs built using remanufactured drawworks, rotary, and mud pumps with new power, control, and mud systems for performance of a new rig at a substantial saving. Modernization of Mechanical and Electrical Rig Fleets
New land rigs 800 HP – 3000 HP
Rig Automation and Controls
Modular AC and DC Drawworks
Rack and Pinion Rigs- push/pull rigs using the latest in drilling rig technology.
Power and control products
Engine and Generators, SCR Control Systems, AC Variable Frequency Drive Systems, Auto Driller, Mud monitoring systems, Drilling & Monitoring Systems
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